December 9, “Opportunity China - Vitality Shandong” International Photography Season - the world's 100 masters of photography into the Qilu land activities into the Shantui, more than 20 masters of photography from all over the world gathered together to focus on the Shantui, with the lens to tell the Made in China! The photographers first set foot in Shantui!
In the production plant of Shantui excavator, a superb operation demonstration was fixed under the lens of photographers. Each frame is a perfect interpretation of the exquisite craftsmanship and extraordinary performance of Shantui equipment, which makes people shocked by the power of “Made in China”!
Then, the photographers came to Shantui No. 1 Main Host Plant and visited the production and assembly line of China's largest horsepower bulldozer. As a symbol of Shantui's technical strength, this assembly line carries the mission of leading the industry. The operation demonstration of the largest horsepower bulldozer on the site won the photographers' admiration, and the peak performance showed the hard-core strength of China's smart manufacturing.
This International Photography Season is not only a perfect blend of light and shadow and industry, but also an excellent opportunity to show “China's power” to the world. Through their lens language, Shantui machinery is going to the world stage, writing a new footnote for Made in China.
时光荏苒,岁月如梭,不经意间冬天已经到来。气温将逐渐下降,出现结冰。我们怀揣着对山推的新老客户们的深切问候,开启了暖冬行动的走访,第一站---四川科技城绵阳。 该绵阳某集团公司一直因山推品牌的推道设备体验感很强劲,又添加一台山推L76-G装载机,搭载潍柴WP10H发动机,油耗降低17%。
近日,2024年柬埔寨国际建筑工业博览会在金边钻石岛展览中心盛大举行,山推携多款高性能设备参展,不仅展示了强大的研发实力,更在展会现场赢得了广泛关注,并成功达成了多项购买意向。 此次参展的设备涵盖了DH17-C3 LGP推土机、SE215W挖掘机、SR22M-C6压路机以及L55-B5装载机等多款明星产品。
12月9日,“机遇中国·活力山东”国际摄影季--世界百位摄影大师走进齐鲁大地活动来到山推,来自世界各地的20余位摄影大师齐聚一堂,共同聚焦山推,用镜头讲述中国制造的非凡故事! December 9, “Opportunity China - Vitality S。
挖掘机冬季施工注意事项 近日,寒潮来袭,气温骤降,防寒保暖要注意,山推挖掘机在此提醒大伙儿在穿厚衣服防寒保暖的同时,也不要忘了自己的“大宝贝”挖机在寒风下瑟瑟发抖。