November ushers in the arrival of Thanksgiving, adding a special warmth and sense of gratitude to the month. Let’s revel in the warm moments shared by Sany Overseas Service Team and appreciate the endless touches and lingering impressions brought to us by the frontline service engineers.
Customer thank you letter recipients
史海波 Shi Haibo
Service engineer Shi Haibo from Guinea received customer demand for station construction. Due to the customer’s tight schedule, the pile was in urgent need of concrete, in order to ensure the discharge conditions and commissioning, Shi Haibo overcame the difficulties of the rainy season and completed the installation at one time. Besides, he also worked overtime to complete the circuit installation, and completed the installation and debugging requirements of customers with quality and quantity. His quality service and diligent work attitude won the recognition of the customer and received a letter of thanks from the customer.
彭开顺 Peng Kaishun
Service engineer Peng Kaishun from South Africa drove seven hours to the scene as soon as he received the customer’s request. In the dusty mine, after three days of unremitting efforts, the equipment was successfully repaired and put into production, ensuring the customer’s capacity needs. Working hard regardless of the long working hours, meticulous technical excellence, and his excellent service attitude has won praise from the customer, and has also established a good corporate image for Sany.
叶贻福 Ye Yifu
Port machinery service engineer Ye Yifu from South Africa rushed to the customer’s site as soon as possible after receiving the customer’s stacking machine could not start and the reach stacker’s power failure, solved the failure of the two equipment in about one hour and conducted on-site training for the customer’s maintenance personnel. The customer spoke highly of Sany service personnel for their excellent service skills and positive service attitude.
Excellent Overseas Service Engineers in November
Duan Wenyang and Chen Baorong
Service engineers Duan Wenyang and Chen Bao Rong from Vietnam quickly drove two hours to the site after receiving a serious failure of the customer’s concrete mixing plant and immediately measured and inspected it. They removed the transformer in the refill pump cabinet as a replacement for installation, and the mixing plant resumed operation. They stayed on site overnight with the customer’s team to monitor the production process. The next day the mixing plant returned to its optimal capacity, and they continued to check other equipment to ensure that all equipment was operating normally. The customer thanked the two engineers for their work, and at the same time recognized Sany’s customer first spirit.
冯虎和Rana Iqbal
Feng Hu and Rana Iqbal
沙特服务工程师冯虎、Rana Iqbal晚上七点接到客户变速箱无法切换至高档的服务需求后,立即前往维修车间,查明故障原因,更换因长期暴晒老化漏气的胶管,并进行多次调试,使设备恢复到最佳状态。客户对我司服务人员的专业与负责态度表示高度赞赏,并表示“三一的服务绝对是No.1” 。
Service engineers Feng Hu and Rana Iqbal from Saudi Arabia received a service request from a customer regarding an issue with their transmission that couldn’t shift to higher gears at 7 p.m. They immediately went to the repair shop, found the cause of the malfunction, replaced an air hose that had become brittle and leaky due to prolonged exposure to sunlight, and conducted multiple tests to restore the equipment to optimal condition. The customer highly praised the professionalism and responsible attitude of our service staff, stating that “Sany’s service is absolutely No. 1.”
谭元斌 Tan Yuanbin
Service engineer Tan Yuanbin from France country region received a message from a customer indicating a malfunction with the equipment at a major construction site; the rotation and tracks were not working, causing the equipment to shut down. With a major project scheduled at the site the next day, Tan drove for four hours through the night, arriving at the site at 3 a.m. After two hours of urgent repairs, he successfully restored the equipment. The quick response and dedicated attitude earned the customer’s high recognition and trust in Sany’s services.
孟凯峰 Meng Kaifeng
Service engineer Meng Kaifeng from the Laos drove for six hours along rugged mountain roads to reach a wind farm. He worked continuously for 48 hours to resolve a malfunction in the 1600T all-terrain crane, which could neither lower its boom nor retract its arm, exceeding the customer’s expectations. The customer highly commended Meng’s spirit of facing hardships fearlessly, his full dedication, and his excellent repair skills. Meng once again added to the reputation of Sany as the top service brand.
Choi Chanwoo
韩国国区本地服务工程师Choi Chanwoo在接到客户60吨履带吊更换平台技改需求后,立即和同事前往客户场地。技改期间,他们每天七点钟准时到达现场,直到晚上光线不足时才下班。天气逐渐变冷,三名协助人员全部感冒发烧,但也没有停止工作。几人连续作战,风雨无阻,没有休息日,确保了车辆按时交付。连续奋战十三天后,车辆顺利点火,第十五天成功交付客户。我们服务人员的专业素养,通力协作的工作能力,获得客户高度认可和赞扬。
After receiving the customer’s request for a platform modification on a 60-ton crawler crane, Choi Chanwoo, a local service engineer for the Korea country region, immediately went to the customer’s site with his colleagues. During the modification, they arrived at the site promptly at seven o’clock every morning and worked until the light is insufficient in the evening. As the weather gradually turned colder, all three assistants caught colds and had fevers, but did not stop working. They persevered and worked continuously, regardless of the weather, without any days off, ensuring the crane was delivered on time. After thirteen consecutive days of hard work, the crane was successfully started, and it was delivered to the customer on the fifteenth day. The professional qualities of our service personnel and their ability to work collaboratively were highly recognized and praised by the customer.
Let us learn from the outstanding engineers, who demonstrate a spirit of perseverance and exceptional skills. Whether continuously working in challenging environments or remaining calm and professional when confronted with complex technical problems, outstanding engineers consistently set an example with their high sense of responsibility and dedicated professionalism. Their relentless efforts and remarkable technical expertise have not only earned them high recognition from clients but also established a strong brand image for the Group. Let’s emulate them, continuously enhancing our professional capabilities and service standards, and strive to become trusted professionals in the eyes of our clients.
湖南省发改委近日发布,截至2024年12月底,全省风电光伏发电装机达2982万千瓦,超过传统火电成为第一大装机主体。2024年湖南重点推进风电、集中式光伏发电项目共计113个,装机规模869.8万千瓦。 三一新能源邵阳皇帝岭风电项目作为2024年并网项目之一,有幸接受湖南卫视记者采访。
2025年1月18日,中共中央对外联络部部长刘建超、中国驻印尼大使王鲁彤一行莅临三一印尼产业园。双方围绕三一集团海外发展、三一印尼布局及未来规划展开深入交流。 三一集团轮值董事长、总裁唐修国热情欢迎代表团莅临指导工作。
挖掘机呀挺神秘,旋转左右都能去硬活能把石头抓,软活可把沙土挖矿山干活特自在,装车修路把料甩 土方活要比较细,开槽搂平把坡洗 老铁们,肯定要问是哪一台设备如此优秀!SY235H,该机被誉为“良心全能机”既可以满足土方工程又可以满足石方作业的需求多种工况SY235H完全可以。
1月15日 三一电动叉车经销商 深圳市时和岁丰实业有限公司 三一叉车深圳旗舰店盛大开业! 共同开启三一叉车在大湾区市场上的新篇章! 三一集团高级副总经理、三一机器人董事长徐鹏飞,深圳时和岁丰董事长王伟,三一机器人副总经理、营销服务总监胡柱,深圳时和岁丰副总经理、营销总监杨萃旺,广。
近日,工业和信息化部网站公示全国2024年度绿色制造名单,三一(韶山)风电设备有限公司成功入选《2024年度绿色工厂名单》,获得国家级别的绿色制造认可。 2024年1月,工业和信息化部印发《绿色工厂梯度培育及管理暂行办法》,加快构建绿色制造和服务体系。
近日,三一桩机于昆山金陵酒店盛大启幕年度盛典,以“乘势而起,筑梦远航”为主题,汇聚三一人的智慧与力量,共同谱写属于我们时代的华美乐章。这是一场年度的盛宴,亦是一次对过往辉煌的深情回首,更是对未来征程的豪迈展望。 晚宴伊始,桩机公司总经理刘毅先生发表了热情洋溢的致酒词。